I have a word for Sanjaya… UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. Maybe that’s three words? I’m to the point where I either need to stop watching (my mother in law did after they booted Chris off last season) or start pulling for this kid to win. There are a bunch of theories as to why he’s winning, my two favorite are Vote for the Worst and the idea that Indian call centers are swinging the vote his way. “Vote for the Worst encourages you to have fun with American Idol and embrace its suckiness by voting for the people who the general public and the producers are rooting against. We rally behind one choice so that we can help make a difference and pool all of our votes toward one common goal.” The Indian call center theory, which I even mentioned to my wife prior to hearing about it on the net, has the most sizzle. Some claim that it’s impossible because of time zone differences, not being aired live, and the voting period being in prime “call center” business hours. But then again Wikipedia says this so maybe it could be possible:
- American Idol is broadcast to over 100 nations outside of the United States, including many with their own version of Idol; however, it is not a live broadcast and may be tape delayed by several days or weeks (excluding Pakistan, India, Israel, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates in which it is also aired live).
- And this: International networks broadcasting American Idol – In India it airs live on Star World.
Yet another theory could be that the AI honcho’s are purposely keeping him on there (real votes be damned!) because… well let’s face it, America loves hating watching train wrecks… that’s why we watch the first few weeks of AI anyway. The shows probably getting more ratings because of him being there!
The best thing to come from all of this… free comedy. Every body is jumping on the Sanjaya bandwagon:
- Sanjaya Anthem
- Sanjaya on Weekend Update
- Talk Soup
Karthik says
Here is the link to the post that proves it.