Most people who talk to me would call me a Democrat. I’m not, in fact I think calculated olarization that both parties attempt to get votes is revolting. People would consider me a Democrat because the last 8 years I’ve openly bashed the current administration… which just happens to be Republican. I’ve never considered the current administration “conservative” by any stretch of the imagination. There is one stand out Republican that is making waves, and who’s views I think are pretty spot on. From what I’ve seen so far, if he gets the Republican bid I’d vote for him.
Heres the top 10 highest rated Ron Paul videos on YouTube:
Ron Paul on Tucker
Neo-CONNED! by Congressman Ron Paul – Part 1 of 11
A Fox, a Wolf, and a Whole Lot of Bull (1 of 2)
Part 1 Congressman Ron Paul on The Korelin Economics Report
Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy
Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming
Ron Paul Speech at Fundraiser In Austin May 19th Part 1
CNN Lou Dobbs Interview of Ron Paul
Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve
Ron Paul – Gulf of Tonkin
Congressman Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one of his congressional colleagues to say, “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another colleague observed, “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.”
PaulHorner says
Great collection of videos of this future president located at Ron Paul Videos, check them out.