Undoubtedly every web-designer and developer who as made any attempt to use CSS will have found a situation where different web-browsers require different style statements. I’ve just encountered this myself with a side project I’ve been working on. This irritation is due to the varying degree of completeness of the CSS implementation across browsers and browser versions.
Conditional-CSS is a solution to this problem, taking the idea of the conditional comment syntax from Internet Explorer and placing it inline with your CSS statements.
Conditional-CSS is something you need to install on your server to be able to use. It comes in three platform versions:
PHP -Very simple to install and portable to any platform that runs PHP – the right option for you if you want to give Conditional-CSS a go.
C – Exceedingly fast and will run on just about every *nix platform, this is a little tricker to install, but very useful as a global interpreter.
C# -Runs under .NET 2.0 in Windows and Mono on many other platforms, use this version if you are using IIS or a .NET based web-server.
Get Conditional-CSS here.
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