While Photoshop is designed for trained professionals, Adobe says Photoshop Express, which it launched in a “beta” test version, is easier to learn. User comments will be taken into account for future upgrades.
Photoshop Express will be completely Web-based so consumers can use it with any type of computer, operating system and browser. And, once they register, users can get to their accounts from different computers.
Photoshop enters the online photo-management arena many years after such services first appeared. Some companies have already made a big name for themselves, like 9-year-old storage solution Shutterfly Inc., photo-editing service Picnik or image-sharing site Photobucket Inc.
Ok so cool enuf. I took it for a test drive and it wasn’t that fast. I GUESS editing stuff online is cool. Except that you can get full featured and much faster programs for free (Paint.NET or Gimp). Personally I see little need for something like this. Just because you CAN put something on the web doesn’t mean it’s the best medium for it. ce la vi
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