Back in 2006 Apple launched its “Get a Mac” ads, and they were amazing. Even being a PC developer I thought “holy hell those are funny”. Microsoft seemed to be attempting to fight back with it’s Laptop Hunter ads. The ads show how an equivalent PC laptop costs less than it’s Mac counterpart (which is true)… well, Apply has decided to retaliate directly, in two new ads.
The first one, “Top of the Line,” is notable because it employs the one-and-only Patrick Warburton as a high-end PC: “When you’re ready to compromise, call me,” he says.
The second ad, “Surprise,” takes a different visual approach (basically, it has John Hodgman playing “Mission: Impossible” in an attempt to get a nice lady to switch over to a PC), and comes to the same conclusion as “Top of the Line”: Windows PCs are virus-laden and slow.
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