Windows/Linux: Your computer’s processor may be able to handle 3D shooters and complex rendering, but most of the time, you probably just need it to render Gmail. System utility Granola scales back your processor at such times to save energy and money.
Like any modern energy-saving utility, Granola offers both to-date cumulative stats on how much energy, money, and CO2 it’s saved, and how much you can expect to save over a year’s time, given current computer conditions. It needs a processor that’s capable of scaling, along with that option to be enabled in the BIOS settings. What kind of savings should the average user expect? From Granola’s FAQ page:
If you mostly surf the Internet and check email, the savings will be substantial and probably 30% or more. If you are playing the latest intensive graphic game without a high-end graphics card, the savings will probably be less; perhaps as low as 10%. But most likely, your system has many uses and the load varies with time. Our users typically experience savings of around 25%.
It’s only the processor that Granola works on, and it would be a bit more convenient if it offered an easy on/off switch as a keyboard shortcut or from its system tray menu. Still, it’s a neat addition to the many ways one can green their PC. It’s a free download for Windows and Linux systems.
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