The Samsung Galaxy S is one of the best selling phone ever. Unfortunately, it’s plagued by a lack of updates and a crappy GPS. If you get tired of waiting on Froyo/DK28 modem and flashed a custom ROM to one of the Froyo builds (I personally recommend Bonsai; it’s wicked fast) and lost your GPS here’s how you can fix it. Yes yes, you can fix the GPS on an EPIC 4G.
First things first… this WILL blow away your apps so I recommend first doing a NAND backup in Clockwork recovery. Once you have a good backup go out to Android Market and get Titanium Backup (free on market; requires root) and backup those apps. To do this launch Titanium and goto Backup/Restore. Click menu and then ‘Batch’. Simply select the ‘Backup all user apps’ option and let it backup your apps and data.
Next you’ll need to obtain your MSL code by calling Sprint and asking for it. Ya…. that sounds like a pain right? You can get MSL code without calling Sprint using ConnectBot (from Market). Run ConnectBot and when it launched change the dropdown menu in lower left corner select ‘Local’. Type in any name in the nickname box and hit enter. From there simply type ‘getprop’, hit enter and then scroll up in the results and copy down your MSL code. It’s ril.MSL) in the list.
Lastly, you’re going to perform a manufacturer’s reset. Remove the SD Card from your phone and then enter ##786# on the dialer keypad. You will see two options: View and Reset. Tap on the Reset option and you will get a prompt to enter the MSL code. At this point you will be asked if you want to do a manufacter’s reset, enter yes. The phone will shut down and reset itself after a few seconds. Once the process is complete, the phone will go through a hands free activation. After the activation process updates may be downloaded and installed. Once all updates have been performed check to see if your GPS is working by going to Google Maps. You should get a GPS lock in under 10 seconds. Thats it. Your GPS woes are over.
Now go download Titanium Backup from market (yes… again, because the reset whacked all your data). Restore your user apps and data and you’re good to go. Titanium is awesome, but not perfect. You’ll likely have to restore live wallpapers, widgets, etc. That said it’s significantly faster than going through all the app download/setup again.
Once the process is complete your EPIC 4G with Froyo GPS issue should be fixed.
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