A compilation of some of the best Google+ “Getting Started” guides, tools, and tips for users new to Google+.
If you’re new to Google+ and wondering how to get around have no fear, the newest social network on the block is filled with a vibrant user base that is willing to help. A great deal of content has been created and shared among Google+ users, if there is one thing you’ll discover about Google+ it’s that the community is filled with people giving their 2 cents, curating content, and helping one another learn to leverage the platform, and having some in-depth conversations about the implication of social media.
A couple of weeks ago a posted a massive list on Google+; I called it My New to Google+ (1 followed by 100 zeros aka the big one) Getting Started List. The response was a overwhelmingly positive. While not content heavy itself, it does provide links to some of the best information on using the new social network that I’ve come across.
I’ve since taken that list and broken it into categories and posted it on my site in hopes that it will be easier to maintain moving forward. These lists by no means captures ALL of that content; it should however, provide a list of resources to help you get going. This is a work in progress and I hope to continue updating it as Google+ continues to evolve.
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