Newly launched gives you the ability to use Google+ as your blog including comments, stats on +1s and reshares, shared photographs, and videos.
+Daniel Treadwell is already famous on Google+ for creating some of the creative and useful offsite extensions for the social network. He’s the creator of Group/as, one of the larger Google+ group interest sites. He also developed the excellent Circle+ Chrome extension which lets you quickly add users to your Circles from other websites. His latest project,, aims to let you use Google+ AS your blog.
A while back several high profile users like Kevin Rose, Mike Elgan changed their primary domains to point directly to Google+. That prompted me to question Will Google+ Replace Blogging? While most developers are waiting for Google+ to provide API’s that will allow content to be pushed into Google+ from 3rd party tools/sites, Daniel took it the other direction and created a site that allows you to make a website based on your posts on Google+.
You can view Daniel’s Google+ posts, in a blog format, by going to Additionally, you can view your own Google+ posts in blog format by visiting<Your Profile ID here>/. You can find your Google+ Profile ID by clicking your name or picture above your Stream. For instance, mine is 112915508949553064969 so my address would be What you end up with is a site that pulls the data for you blog directly from your Google+ profile. You can even see all the comments made on your posts, stats on +1s, reshares, shared photographs and videos.
Apparently, demand for the site has taken off more than Daniel expected and he notes on his own post “If you experience any problems creating your own profile, check back the next day when the Google+ API quota has reset.”
Check out and be sure to Circle +Daniel Treadwell as I’m sure we can expect more great things out of him in the future.
This article was originally written for Plusheadlines where I’m a contributing writer. By the way, with the Circle+ Chrome extension you can add the entire team to your Circles via our Group/as page!
George Nixon says
Really good post Paul, thanks so much. I’ve put it into action on my own site. Quick tip: you can set the status of imported posts to, for example, “pending” rather than get posted immediately to your blog. That lets you opt-in to sharing a particular important G+ post on your blog, instead of it being swamped by everything you might have to get your chest on the social network.