Gmail has a new smart label that groups messages received from social networks, blogs and more, so you don’t have to create complicated filters. You’ll find messages from Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Blogger, Quora and other social sites.
Gmail’s smart labels are a convenient way to have Gmail filter emails so you only get the content that you want. A new labs feature has added a handy new label that puts all your social network messages in one place.
In order to enable the new smart label you have to have it enable it in Gmail Labs. Head into your Gmail settings menu, click the Labs tab, and enable, “Smart Labels,” if you haven’t already. Once you do that your messages from social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Quora, etc will be filtered into their own “Social Updates” label. It’s handy.
They’ve also rebranded the bulk messages label and renamed it “promotions”; a curious change and no word on if it handles bulk emails differently now. The new smart label can be hidden, renamed or even removed from Gmail’s settings page.
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