One more reason to love #Zappos . “I got into this giant argument with the head of Zappos that he’s trying to tell me what I need to focus on,” the 36-year-old rapper said. “Meanwhile, he sells all this s–t product to everybody, his whole thing is based off of selling s–t product.”In response, Zappos launched a new “s–t” product page on their site, featuring a toilet and plunger for a mere $100,000.Under the item information:
* Interested in buying sh-t product? You’ve come to the right place! Here at, we happily sell sh-t products to everybody! This is the throne, everyone has been watching. Whether you’re #1 or #2, your clique will show no mercy, even in Paris. <- a rip on his lyrics
* The perfect gift for the man that has everything (
* Requires lots of “focus” for most productive use.
* Considered a “safety zone” when in arguments.
* Makes giant arguments seem much smaller.
* Caution: Do not place our Sh-t product near any fans.
* Avoid storms.
View the Video Description for this product! (Please note that the color shown in the video may no longer be available.) Interested in buying sh-t product? You’ve come to the right place! Here at, we happily sell sh-t products to everybody! This is the throne, everyone has been watching. Whether you’re #1 or #2, your clique will show no mercy, even in Paris. The perfect gift for the man who has everything.
Pam Adger says
Paul Spoerry says
Me too +Pam Adger, every experience I've ever had with them was positive.
John Rutene says
if ya wana man's throne talk to tim the tool man taylor haaar haaar haarrr