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Themer is pretty slick. It's brought to you by, which is a giant community of designers showing off Android homescreens complete with custom widgets, backgrounds, icons, and more. Themer was created to apply themes in one click, dramatically transforming the look and feel of your Android phone effortlessly. It's free, and you can easily switch between as many themes as you like.
Le Mont Bennett says
+Bryan Utley check this out !
Michele Messenger says
cool… just downloaded it…thank you
April D. Smith says
Got it now this is pretty cool
Paul Spoerry says
In the past I've tried emulating the stuff on +MyColorScreen and have never been able to 100% pull it off. Even when they gave excellent details. But with this app it's as simple as picking the one you want and hitting apply!
John Gatt says
some look like Microsoft OS whats it like on battery life? and will it slow your phone down like most themes ?
Paul Spoerry says
There are a few that look similar to MS Phone but only a few, and most dramatically change the look of your device. I haven't tracked battery life +John Gatt so I can't comment on that. It didn't notice any particularly fast battery drain though. And I'm not sure what you mean by themes slowing your device down. Most of these are essentially custom wallpapers with widgets that transform the display. So if you're phone can't handle widgets…. then perhaps it would slow your phone down but I noticed no drop in performance.