Happy #FourthOfJuly ya'll…. Musk says his plans include:
* Build factories "an order of magnitude" bigger than the plants that currently churn out panels
* Make #solar panels that are more efficient, and make them at a low cost in huge factories in order to reduce the overall cost of solar electricity.
* Future factories would produce 10 gigawatts worth of panels
* Oh he's going to make them nice looking too!
src: http://mashable.com/2014/06/17/elon-musk-solarcity-batteries/
src: http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-just-made-the-same-huge-bet-on-solarcity-that-hes-making-with-tesla-2014-6
src: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2014/06/17/elon-musks-bold-solarcity-buy-powers-sunny-day-for-solar-panel-stocks/
src: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/elon-musk-takes-on-carbon-with-solar-battery-bets/2014/06/17/2b3034e8-f656-11e3-afdf-f7ffea8c744a_story.html
Shaun Burks says
I imagine he's going to eventually develop all the technology everyone else isn't, to enable his red-planet retirement. 🙂
Thomas Wrobel says
oh, look, a major entrepreneur investing in large scale solar production.
I cant wait to see this called socialist by climate change deniers.
Paul Spoerry says
Clearly he IS a socialist +Thomas Wrobel he opened sourced all the Tesla stuff. Capitalists don't do that sort of thing!
Thomas Wrobel says
good point. Enlightened self interest is just socialism in disguise, after all.