LastPass Now Checks If Your Sites Are Affected by Heartbleed
Yesterday we informed our community of the Heartbleed OpenSSL bug. In our blog post, we explained how this security issue impacted our service and what our users should know about the situation. We also built a tool to help o…
Lenny Gottfried Scherer says
thank you very much, thank you my friend,,,!!!!
Andy Boyle says
I spent over two hours yesterday changing all my passwords with Lastpass. The mission today is to teach my wife how to use it.
Paul Spoerry says
I have a LOT… and I'm midprocess on most of them. I used the security audit tool and over the past 6 months have been changing my pw's to random, unique pw's as I go. I've been using this tool to change all the identified ones by LastPass. I freaking love this tool.