A read this (VERY) length exchange to my kid. HE had to ask questions a few times to get the religious references, but when I was done he just replied… "sounds like how you'd reply dad."
via: +Ryan Lance
In case it's too small you can download my FreeImageZoom Chrome extension (which would zoom it so you could easily read it) here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/freeimagezoom/oieknlhhcdlcngedgjfagaebaphonnpe or go to the source site here: http://www.tickld.com/x/i-wish-this-man-was-my-father-hes-hilarious
#atheism #sacredSunday #religion
Andy Anderson says
So I take it your an Atheist. I found nothing good in the reply, just anti Semitic anti Christian babble from someone spending a lot of time and effort to protest a God they don't believe in.
Adam Jones says
+Andy Anderson because bullshit stinks.
Michael Perrigo says
This is not what I call progress…
micki gregg says
This is a disgrace u wonder why kids today aren't learning respect
David Ford says
+micki gregg <anyone really> are you teaching your kids to respect Zues and the other greek gods? do you cry in horror when someone says to not believe in the silliness of a flat planet held up on the back of a god? do you tell your kids to not pay attention to those heathens that talk about magic bows and arrows shot by greek gods, or gods casting magic spells?
if you don't pay the same respect to greek mythology that is demanded of christianity, then you're being prejudiced and bigoted.
christianity is retelling stories from older religions. it just has the names changed.
David Ford says
i personally think david thorne has an awesome head on his shoulders and he's teaching his kids right. don't take anything as gospel, don't believe in dogma. do something because it's right, not because some religion demands it. rely on your own self to develop strong morals and ethics. question things.
p.s. christianity doesn't teach me to go scream and yell at people, demean them, gasp in horror and take up signs in protest against <insert foo>. it says, if thine eye offend thee, cut it out.
there ought to be a bunch of blind christians instead of protesters waving poorly spelled signs.
his holiness the FSM tells me to laugh my fucking ass off when i read articles like this. i questioned this edict, determined whether it was sound, then i agreed. so i laughed my fucking ass off
Vinay Shenoy says
I personally am an atheist, but I don't see the need to be a dick to people who are believers. All he had to do was say "Hey, I'm not comfortable with my son attending this, so he's going to be there". That's it. End of story.
David Ford says
he wasn't a dick about it
Vinay Shenoy says
IMHO, He pretty much was. Especially the first reply where there was no reason for him to insult her beliefs.
David Ford says
hardly. the permission slip is the first insult. the fallacy of the religion dogma is that by assuming it is true, everything else is therefore inferior.
if you send me a permission slip for my kid, attempting to present the "true meaning of easter", you've thrown the first insult and it is a big one. his first reply is spot on for the audacity to insult a sane person's mind by assuming he knows the true meaning of easter. anyone who has spent a smidgeon of time studying religious holidays and history knows that the christian easter is certainly not the original notion of this particular fable.
therefore, this chaplain is spouting insults claiming grand knowledge we know to be false and has the audacity to refer to it as "the true meaning"
Filipe Seiça says
I also have some doubts about religion and the way Church manage their structure, but that father is asshole!
Phil Waud says
Love the way he perseveres at p*ssing the chaplain off, very funny thank you!
Mitchell Schooler says
This is the actual source: http://www.27bslash6.com/easter.html
If you look at his other stuff, you'd find it very hard to believe these are actual email threads. Though all are extremely amusing. Especially the spider one. (http://www.27bslash6.com/overdue.html)
Drew Warren says
He was very funny, but could have said 'not attending'. Pushing your lack of faith on someone with faith is just as annoying as someone with faith pushing their faith on someone without. In other words, faith or no faith: shut your mouth and lead by your moral compass. Prove through action and not dogmatic wordplay
Candice D says
+Drew Warren but the problem with just leading by action is that you don't actually make your point in situations like this – just sending back the permission slip marked as "not attending" doesn't do anything to make anyone realize what's wrong with how it was made/written. Instead, you're just ignoring the issue at hand. Change comes about when we are open and discuss why we have problems with things. And as a parent of a child you have every right to argue your point about the poorly done slip if you find it ridiculous.
glenn coco says
Why send your child to religious school when you dont want you child to be thought about religion?
Paul Spoerry says
Yeah if this is real then +David Ford hit the nail in the hand….er… hit the nail on the head. The presumption that the true meaning of Easter, as performed by particular church's whatevertheheckthatmeans particular interpretation, is tossing the first insult. I also love how they mesh the "true meaning" with a picture of Christ and of a rabbit… because clearly a rabbit with colored eggs was part of the true story. Or wait? Am I confusing my make-believe stories again? dern it.
+Vinay Shenoy He wasn't being a dick, he was making a long and drawn out point. I remember being at events as a kid and the event would start with a prayer or something and how horrifically uncomfortable I was… and I was raised in a particular branch of Christianity that was just different than the majority of where I lived. Imagine if a Hindi, Jew, Muslim, etc were there?! awkward I remember questioning faith very early on… and having to say the "god" part of the Pledge of Allegiance and feeling uncomfortable…. even more so when I found it it wasn't originally part of it. Yes… I would just bow my head and not say anything during the prayers, yes I would just not say the god part in the pledge… the point is I shouldn't have to have done that. As +Candice D said, having just marked not attending wouldn't have actually done anything. You could make the argument that his long-winded wordplay, while hilarious, could have been directed toward someone higher up to ensure this sort of thing didn't happen in the first place… but sometimes you just take the battle that's been handed to you.
Paul Spoerry says
+glenn coco Australian public schools have Special Religious Instruction (SRI), which includes the ACCESS Ministries’ Christian Religious Education (CRE).
"SRE is the form of religious education which may be provided in schools by authorised volunteers from churches and other religious groups and based on distinctive tenets and beliefs. SRE is an optional part of the curriculum and parents have the right to withdraw their child from these classes." src: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/curriculumsupport/religiouseducation/detcms/navigation/special-religious-education/?oid=MultiPartArticle-id-3650833
So this could have been handed out in a public school.
Paul Leavitt says
I believe any child that gets a vacation from school for Easter should know what the vacation is about you may not believe but it is the reason they get that time off we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead on Easter and it is awesome to us! I love Jesus!
Felipe Preto says
Eu ri…
Russell Touchstone says
All I see is someone trying to cause trouble where none was needed. If you don't like it, check no.
Miranda Watson says
Good job man, made me laugh! I think you showed him who's boss, because it damn straight isn't God or that guy.
John Akers says
You tell em cabbage you have the slaw lol
Alex Zurby says
All I see is a big reset
Thomas Finch says
+Paul Leavitt Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, eh? Let me give you a hint as to what you missed:
What day of the week is Easter celebrated?
Shawna Mac says
BWAHAHAHA! Love it, absolutely hilarious!
Ele Evans says
Um. … thats hard to read. .. Might have to look at that on my lap top 🙂
troy miller says
Nice. I think people sometimes forget that just because you have a belief doesn't mean it can't be questioned.
Paul Spoerry says
+Paul Leavitt First of all, here in the US there is a separation of church and state. That's to protect both the church from the state and the state from the church. Since our schools are government funded any sponsored religious event is a violation of that separation.
I don't believe what you do… and shouldn't be forced to do so. Just as you shouldn't be forced to believe what I believe in.
For the record, we celebrate Easter in my house…. We have Zombie Response Squad t-shirts we all wear. We color eggs. We have wooden zombie cutouts we put up…. that morning we get up, gear up with our tshirts and put on air filtration masks, head outside with our eggs, some blunt weapons, etc and we throw the eggs at the zombies.
But like I said… I wouldn't force you do believe or participate in the way I do things because that's not right.
Kyle Sfhandyman says
+Ele Evans Original source http://www.27bslash6.com/easter.html
Paul Leavitt says
+Paul Spoerry I would never force anyone to believe what I believe. you said separation of church and state yet the schools give a break for Easter all I was saying was if they are getting the time off they should know why they are getting the time off . you could say there are some people called Christians their Lord was crucified on a Friday and rose on a Sunday "Easter Sunday" and we "unbelivers get the time off from school also …..
troy miller says
+Paul Leavitt if we go that route should we invite include all those different belief systems that celebrate easter?
Paul Leavitt says
I'm just saying it is what is you can make it about something else but that's what it is really about
Thomas Finch says
+Paul Leavitt Alright, let's assume I'm the one who missed something. What public school in the Western world has an Easter break? Because as far as I'm aware, schools here already have every Sunday off.
Tim Norton says
Love that one
Paul Leavitt says
+Thomas Finch here in California and all the US
troy miller says
+Paul Leavitt and that's my point. Just because that is your preferred explanation for easter doesn't mean that's what it means to everyone.
Paul Leavitt says
+troy miller Websters dictionary says, A Christian holiday celebrating Christ's resurrection …. I'm not saying you have to believe in him I'm just saying that's what the Holliday's all about.
Candice D says
No one around here calls it Easter Break, and we actually had enough calamity days from snow that a few schools decided to not have the Friday before off.
As someone who grew up in a pentecostal household, we celebrated easter on Sunday, and did jack for "good Friday" – Sunday is Easter, which is not a school day.
Candice D says
And if we want to get nit picky, +Paul Leavitt, do you do egg hunts with kids/grandkids? Because eggs have nothing to do with some guy resurrecting.
Paul Leavitt says
ya OK have a good time living in denial
michael mcneese says
Denying bullshit is actually enjoyable IMO
Paul Leavitt says
+Candice D I'm not talking about entertaining children
Paul Spoerry says
It's called Spring Weekend here; so maybe I should change my position on this. They SHOULD know the meaning of Spring Weekend… it was what used to be a time people took off school for a Christian holiday but then everyone realized that was extremely insensitive to people of other faiths or to those who don't have faith at all. So it was changed to Spring Weekend.
Scott Duensing says
I wish I could defend my home against Zombies on Easter. That sounds AWESOME.
Paul Spoerry says
We'll have to invite you over for Zombie Weekend, er Spring Weekend, er… oh whatever…. on that weekend +Scott Duensing!