Evidence Reveals Minneapolis Protest Shooting Suspect as Racist Scaredy Cat
This afternoon, prosecutors announced felony charges against the four defendants in last week’s shooting at a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis. A criminal complaint for one of the alleged shooters reveals that he is exactly the pants-wetting idiot one would expect.
BLM shooter actually racist, gun toting assholes… Say it isn't so?!
West Kagle says
If this all started because the BLM crowd didn't like these guys filming them, then where is that footage? It would seem to me that it might shed some light on the events that transpired, instead of relying on 'we said/they said' accounts.
If they were using their phones to film then the police have that footage, and if it was a camera, then I'm sure that the police seized it. unless someone other than the police got it first.
Paul Spoerry says
Who was shot and who did the shooting? Nuff said.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
That's not what I'm talking about…….you know that.
If it was these thugs intention to go to the rally and provoke an incident, so their racist arses could have a 'reason' to "shoot us selves some ni^^ers"………then congratulations BLM, you gave them all they could have hoped for. At least that seems to be the story. These terrorists showed up camera at the ready, and the protesters attacked them.
…..now if, as I said, we could get ahold of the footage these d-bags shot, perhaps it would tell a different tale. Maybe they were politely asked to leave (like the civil folks at the University of Missouri asked the camera wielding reporters to leave), and the bigots whipped out their guns and started firing. Then we'd know that for once the narrative is spot on.
…..but the footage from their camera is no where to be seen (at least I've not seen it surface yet. Now bear with me a moment….could it be that the footage doesn't portray the protesters as the poor innocent peaceful victims we're suppose to accept they are sight unseen?
These pieces of human excrement who went to the protest looking to cause a problem may be the most racist, vile persons to ever walk the face of the earth. It still doesn't mean that they don't have a right to film in public, carry a legal firearm, and use said firearm when being chased and assaulted by a mob.
Now I know we are never going to be on the same page here, even though I have conceded that the gunmen are scum-sucking taint lickers (my apologies to all the marginalized taint lickers out there. I'm sure you are nice people I didn't mean to step on your sexual preference with my privilege), but not all folks filming in public are racist psychopaths (like the aforementioned cameraman at Mizzou were not).
What would have happened if the cameramen had not been racist dillweeds hoping to fire off their new toys at some minorities and were in fact just persons who were filming the protest and were unfortunate enough to incur the ire of the protestors, who then beat the offending cameramen into a coma for not complying with their wishes?
Just think about that scenario for a moment, because it's now bound to happen. What's the first thing that happens when a group of people say they don't want cameras at their events? Everyone and their uncle show up with cameras. Plus these people will be there for the soul reason to provoke the mob. Things always go south in those situations, and in a big hurry.
I'm telling you, this isn't the end of this. It's just getting warmed up. It's going to escalate and get way out of hand and soon enough, truly innocent people are going to get hurt and killed. Mark my words.
Sorry it was so long, but I had a lot to cover in that one.
West Kagle says
….and now there are crickets about the San Bernardino shootings.
+Paul Spoerry I know this is a very right-wing YouTube channel, but I urge you to watch this clip. it's only 4 mins long:
Paul Spoerry says
"If it was these thugs intention to go to the rally and provoke an incident, so their racist arses could have a 'reason' to "shoot us selves some ni^^ers"………then congratulations BLM, you gave them all they could have hoped for."
Bullshit man. That's like saying a rape victim got what she deserved because she was wearing a skimpy outfit. You can't blame the victim for the crime committed against them. One of these guys sent a text to another saying, "I know how to make big news or get them to disperse, I have an idea to really stir shit up.”
Sure a scenario COULD exist where the person was just a regular person using a video camera but that's not the reality of what happen… that's only a hypothetical.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
It's not the same. The girl in the skimpy outfit is not hoping to get raped. Her intention is not to provoke an attack. These terrorist had that intention and nothing else.
As far as hypothetical……like I said, get ready for it, because now that they have shown that they demand not to be filmed, regular people without guns, are going to show up in droves. I don't usually trade in what if situations (sometimes when wondering what might have been, but not usually to support an argument), but I think this is going to go from hypothetical to reality real quick.
…..and no one comes out a winner in that one.
Paul Spoerry says
+West Kagle ok I'm confused. I thought the protesters were the girl in this scenario? I was making the contrast of wearing skimpy clothes == protesters, people coming to fuck with them/shoot them as the rapist.
…" regular people without guns, are going to show up in droves." I don't think so. "Regular people" don't do things like that. Just like regular people don't shoot groups of people.
The bigger questions is how many incidents before we take note? http://shootingtracker.com/wiki/Mass_Shootings_in_2015 (currently overloaded) noted the other day that "There have been 334 days and 351 mass shootings" in 2015 alone. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/heres-a-map-of-all-the-mass-shootings-in-2015/
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
Are the links of mass shooting including all the killings done in the name of Allah, or just by white guys? Just asking because the media has a tendency to drop it like it's hot when someone yells Allahu Akbar.
Paul Spoerry says
It's all mass shootings. Site was created because the media was under reporting it. And… most mass shooters aren't Muslim.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
No, I didn't think that most were. Just like in San Bernardino, they usually are white gu……..wait, that's a bad example, It was that the SJW community castigated all white men because they thought (and hoped) it was white guys.
It may not be now, but it soon will be the norm for mass shooters to be Islamic, because they are figuring out that it's a hell of a lot easier to kill a bunch of people with guns than with bombs (and you don't always have to die in the process).
Now that they figured this out, we are going to see more and more of San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, Paris, Toulouse and Montauban, Bat Mitzvah massacre of 1-17-02, Montrouge Shooting, The Charlie Hebdo shooting………..wait, it seem that there already are many. Who knew?
……can we now work our a^^es off with the moderate/secular Muslims to reform their religion and exterminate the violently vile vermin who are vexing their religion and killing in the name of their god and there by bring disgrace to an entire group of otherwise rational people? …..please?