This dude is money.
About Paul Spoerry
I’m a groovy cat who’s into technology, Eastern Thought, and house music. I’m a proud and dedicated father to the coolest little guy on the planet (seriously, I'm NOT biased). I’m fascinated by ninjas, the Internet, and anybody who can balance objects on their nose for long periods of time.
I have a utility belt full of programming languages and a database of all my knowledge on databases... I practice code fu. Oh, I've also done actual Kung Fu, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
I run. I meditate. I dance. I blog at, tweet @PaulSpoerry, and I'm here on Google+.
I'm currently work for IBM developing web enabled insurance applications for IBM and support and develop a non-profit called The LittleBigFund.
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Runivis Roan says
I wish more people would do this.
ShoutsWillEcho1 says
+Runivis Roan Do what?
Daniel Learmouth says
+ShoutsWillEcho1 Call out Fox News on their bullshit whilst on Fox News, I would assume.
West Kagle says
Sorry. This guy is a douche. You may not like the station, you may not like the personalities on the channel, you may not like the overall view expressed by the commentators who have shows on the network, but they are still a news station. They are no less a news outlet than CNN, MSNBC, or the Network News programs.
Mr. Wiener plays this childish game because he's not a strong enough personality to handle himself when talking to someone from a station that doesn't provide constant cover from scrutiny and drool all over themselves licking his boots.
I intensely dislike almost all the hosts on MSNBC, but if I were a publicly elected official, I'd jump at every chance to talk with the empty headed dolts on MSNBC. I'd rather speak on that station than the one that walks lock-step with me. Those guys are already part of the choir.
BTW, I don't like every host on FOX News either, and I especially don't like O' Reilly. I also know that the News from there is slanted right, but no more than MSNBC is slanted left. Even CNN leans left. As a matter of fact, every main stream news outlet that isn't FOX, is slanted left to varying degrees.
Runivis Roan says
+West Kagle Or maybe he was just saying what we're all thinking… That thought ever cross your mind during your rant?
West Kagle says
+Runivis Roan
Since when are you privy to my thoughts? I never thought the rude crap that came sputtering out his man-pleaser.
ShoutsWillEcho1 says
+West Kagle Sad to see that there arent many news that are objective anymore.
Runivis Roan says
+West Kagle I never stated I was, so you shouldn't assume that is my position. I simply admire fox news getting the respect it deserves for once… None.
West Kagle says
+Runivis Roan
You said, and I quote:
"Or maybe he was just saying what we're all thinking…"
So again, I say, the butt-hurt drivel that escaped his face hole has never crossed *my* mind. And like I said, I don't like stations like MSNBC, but they are still a news outlet, and I'd never be such a douche to a reporter from their channel.
West Kagle says
Yes, that's the truth. Long gone are the days of the objective reporter. Every news source is slanted one way or another. You have to take the news with a generous helping of salt, and sift through a ton of chaff to find the wheat.
Runivis Roan says
+West Kagle
Please, there is no need to read between the lines here.
I agree that all new services have their own motives. But Fox is one that has time and time again proven to broadcast only what adheres to their own ideology. They intentionally spread misinformation and put twists on stories to make it agree with their preconceptions. The greater of the evils, if you will.
Real news is unbiased and offers no opinion. It simply says what is. Now I'm not sure any broadcasting company is capable of that kind of unbiased stance these days… But I think those are noteworthy standards.
Hell, I haven't watched the news without a grain of salt since I was a child. It's always been bullshit to me until the same information is supplemented by individual accounts and independent research.
The internet is my news, people provide me relevant information.
West Kagle says
+Runivis Roan"….Fox is one that has time and time again proven to broadcast only what adheres to their own ideology."
They all do that. You can't tell me that knuckleheads like Rachel Maddow, and Melissa Harris-Perry aren't so drenched in Kool-Aid, that they could provide refreshment to all of Jonestown. Every time I think I've heard the most foolish thing a person could utter, one of them proves me wrong, and sets a new standard bat-shite crazy.
shikat2371 says
+West Kagle
MSNBC, now there is an unbiased news source. They had to can their own anchors for being too Liberal during the Obama campaigns. Olberman and Matthews, remember??
CNN also had to can its own anchor, Piers Morgan, for being too Liberal, especially on the gun issue. He was on CNN for what, only 3 years, and then he left?? Sad.
Paul Spoerry says
I think if he thought MSNBC wasn't real news (arguably the case) and he refused an interview stating that MSNBC wasn't real news that would be totally fair game. It doesn't make him a douche when a reporter continues to chase him and he keeps refusing for him to state his opinion on Fox News. I mean if CNN was chasing me and I was refusing and I said, "Stop bothering me, did you guys find that plane yet?" would that make me a douchebag? I don't think so. It would just be me trying to get someone badgering me to go away.
shikat2371 says
+Paul Spoerry
My take is that the reason why Scott Wiener refused to be asked a few questions by a Fox reporter is that he knew instinctively that his city's sanctuary ordinance policies are deeply flawed, and he just didn't want to be pinned down by a Fox reporter.
And so his only recourse is to do what a lot of Liberals do: trash Fox News.
It is really inexcusable to defend San Francisco's sanctuary policies that have led to the slayings of Kathryn Steinle, the Bologna family members,………. by illegal alien felons.
San Francisco is what I would call a "super sanctuary city", where even illegal alien felons are protected from ICE agents.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
My take is the same as shikat2371. However, I would react the same way he did, if I was being stalked by a reporter who wouldn't go away after repeated attempts to tell him 'no comment'.
Paul Spoerry says
I lost the bookmark to it (search my history but didn't find it… might have been on another computer) but it wasn't just him. Apparently, they were chasing several of his co-workers too. To be fair, part of the job of the news is to track down an issue. But it wasn't like he was James Bond style evading them. They were at his work, he said no, they kept pushing.'s a little disingenuous to just toss out a statement like, "And so his only recourse is to do what a lot of Liberals do: trash Fox News.". Last year Politifact broke down the various network’s pundits and on-air talent's claims and Fox is the most egregious of them with 60% of what was said being mostly-false to a flat out lie, followed by NBC/MSNBC at 46%, then 18% for CNN (though if memory serves they were chasing a plane for a lot of the viewing year lol). Granted, they even state not every single thing is fact checked and yes I'm fully aware they were born from Tampa Bay Times/Congressional Quarterly. Even so, if you average it out Fox lands in the flat out False category whereas the others are more evenly spread distributed/leaning toward thruthiness. I've already stated that if it was MSNBC doing it he would have been just as fair to reply in the same manner after already refusing to comment. In fact, I used to love it when Keith Olbermann was around and he'd go all super pompous and get smacked down by the person he was interviewing. Not even because I even disagreed with what he was saying from my personal political position but because he'd do it from such a d-bag way. Sort of how Poppa Bear always calls people nitwit. I just roll my eyes and think, "This is journalism?" – No… it's not. Sadly, it's entertainment masquerading as news.