Sweet Cakes Christian-owned bakery GoFundMe drive pulled after gay-rights advocates complain
A crowdfunding campaign that had raised more than $109,000 for the Christian-owned bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon was removed Saturday after complaints from gay-rights advocates.
LOL…. so it was ok for them to refuse service to someone because they didn't agree with how they wanted to use your product, but it's Satan at work if a company decided to do the EXACT same thing?
jd quinitchette (CrazyLikeABOSS) says
Makes us look kinda bad, +Paul Spoerry . They are the ones who'll say, "When did we see you and turn you away?"
Lee Forest says
Isn't the point of being christian to love everyone regardless? If Satan is involved, he must be running the bakery.
jd quinitchette (CrazyLikeABOSS) says
+Lee Forest LOL
Klaus Binder says
This is 2015 can we get beyond this? You are in business to serve customers, not trying to raise money to make up for what you lost to bad business decisions or terrible customers service
duncan yourmate says
you want to eat , you buy food , who cares what you do with it ,therefore if its good it will sell .you should of said that ohhh same sex marriage cakes , you cannot provide ,do you sell cakes or discrimination , wgaf ,where the cake goes ,,
Yifat Cohen says
West Kagle says
+Lee Forest
Love the person, not the behavior.
Liz Quilty says
wtf ….
狼村谷社 says