The custom version of the game is played the same as the original, with players asking questions like, “is your rapper wearing a baseball cap?,” or, “did your rapper appear on GZA’s 1999 album Beneath the Surface?” Depending on how your opponent answers your inquiries, you can slowly eliminate members until you figure out the rapper they’ve chosen.
+Ryan Lance is your tiger style up for the challenge?
Antony Jackson says
Is he black?
It's Remedy
Jason Wiley (Notorious J.A.Y.) says
Sorry but I have to share this
Le Mont Bennett (Mr Monte) says
Guess who ain't nutten to fukwit +Paul Spoerry !?!?!
Fred Oliver says
Jay West (The JZA) says
#WuTangForever #WuTangAintNothingToFuckWit
Cj Wooden says
Sick! The rebel INS with respect!