If you put Lil Jon and Lil Wayne together would you have a full size John Wayne?
About Paul Spoerry
I’m a groovy cat who’s into technology, Eastern Thought, and house music. I’m a proud and dedicated father to the coolest little guy on the planet (seriously, I'm NOT biased). I’m fascinated by ninjas, the Internet, and anybody who can balance objects on their nose for long periods of time.
I have a utility belt full of programming languages and a database of all my knowledge on databases... I practice code fu. Oh, I've also done actual Kung Fu, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
I run. I meditate. I dance. I blog at PaulSpoerry.com, tweet @PaulSpoerry, and I'm here on Google+.
I'm currently work for IBM developing web enabled insurance applications for IBM and support and develop a non-profit called The LittleBigFund.
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Trisha Larose says
mouse mouse says
Leah Clarke says
I would you with both
marty daymude says
Now that's pretty funny.
Muzy Syanda says
that's more like Wayne John shit who cares!?
Leah Clarke says
Lil Wayne
Ruby Grace says
Wayne Wayne
crystal chipps says
and fuck no lil wayne better
Gary Watts says
It's a joke not conpairing a joke
reynaldo mcelroy says
Lol good one..
Jazzy Fatts says
Okay, I'm Stealing This One… lol
Calvin Holt says
xaria daniel says
ANDREW X. says
Two slave names don't make a right…
Leah Clarke says
ANDREW X. says
thats what a lilcracker supposed to say.
Kimberly Singleton says
Bwahhhhhhh !
Keith Baker says
Little cracker? Wow you just a poodle bro. You an easy baby to put asleep.
ANDREW X. says
oink, oink ,moo,moo and fiy fiy fiy
Heaven Squires says
omg i get it..hahahahahaha lolz
Daniel clothier says
two of the ugliest niggers i have ever seen
mark smith says
+Keith Baker you're pretty smart most people would not understand your comment..but I do easy BABY to put to sleep..BA HA HA HA….WOOOHH… JUST A POODLE!!!! Ha ha ha ha …
Graeme Mcfee says
Yeah well if you put lil & dick together you get lil dick its not a difficult concept
Joshua Ojeda says
really? I never thought of that.
Kinney Ray says
John still stuck in 06 lol
Cheyanna Burkholder says
man i love these are the best rappers and singers they are the best
Derek Geyer says
Cheyanna Burkholder says
+Derek Geyer you got that right
Marlon araica says
Not really it doesn't really match put Ciara and aliyaha
Cheyanna Burkholder says
+Marlon araica yeah you go that right
Damian Quihuis says
jon and wayne, definete
Chantal Michaud says
Stephen White says
Margie Smith says
Carolina Resendis says
Anthony Hastings says
Damian Quihuis says
wait changed my mind to wayne
Stacy Hayes says
Lil Wayne no doubt
Ian Wright says
Lil Wayne and Lil Jon are wack