The Jedi Kittens are striking back with with an action packed adventure. Who can resist the X-Wing and Tie Fighting kittens!
h/t: +Julia Street
The Jedi Kittens are striking back with with an action packed adventure. Who can resist the X-Wing and Tie Fighting kittens!
h/t: +Julia Street
I’m a groovy cat who’s into technology, Eastern Thought, and house music. I’m a proud and dedicated father to the coolest little guy on the planet (seriously, I'm NOT biased). I’m fascinated by ninjas, the Internet, and anybody who can balance objects on their nose for long periods of time.
I have a utility belt full of programming languages and a database of all my knowledge on databases... I practice code fu. Oh, I've also done actual Kung Fu, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
I run. I meditate. I dance. I blog at, tweet @PaulSpoerry, and I'm here on Google+.
I'm currently work for IBM developing web enabled insurance applications for IBM and support and develop a non-profit called The LittleBigFund.
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Paul Williams says
Give me my 60 seconds back!!!!!
Paul Williams says
Wait, I was at work when I watched this, so its ok, I may watch it 3 more times!
Dave Bugs says
Nothing better than the Jedi kittens. They are all so adorable in their own unique way. They should be shown nothing less than pure love.
Dylan Bourassa says
I love this. It's so cute.
Zenaida Rodriguez says
Thank you for making my B-day!! Absolutely loved it!!!!
Paul Spoerry says
Really?! Happy bday +Zenaida Rodriguez!
louis alcazar says
Hey its Sue ( Lou's wife ). We love it. Too cute.
Tom Cope says
Love it
Chris Martins says
the best
Sandra Mckissack says
I think it is a good time for the first kitty star wars
Maria Holman says
Phillip Guttmann says
That is so cool
Phillip Guttmann says
Whomever thought of this needs a prize or award !!!!
Leigh Gunter says
Awwww!!!!!!!!!! That was adorable!!!!!!! I love those little kittens!!!!!!!!!
Evelyn Moore says
James Caballero says
so so so cute & funny!
Jangwoo Lee says
More proof that YouTube is just full of cat videos.
Nicholas Chatman says
This is cute
Gravatic Burst says
Use the Cat Nip!
Leah Park says
i am sooo glad i'm not the only feline loving nut job out there….i just keep my weirdness to myself
Bob Schneider says
+Darren Yip
Darth Sidian says
Adorable much???
Skye Mays says
To cute!!!!
harmeet bahra says
Everyday is a tearful day without you. You are my laughter, my soulmate, my passion, my Love, my Life.
Engineer Falcon says
Arron Piggie says
Harshitha A says
bhakwas totally
Paul Robinson says
I don't know how you do it but this is brilliant. Truly makes me laugh
Green TwoStay says
'Better than the original'
18Ruankaew says
0:44 Ok Ok, We will clean up!!*^.-
Ben Jeffers says
peter dunn says
Mess with the Jedi kittens and you get the hot poker.
Alexis Lps says
I love it!!!
Nadia Reese says
That is the most cutest thing ever!!!!!🐱
Kathy Blakely says
Hot dam that a belly full 😹😹😹
April Kapusta says
Who thinks this stuff up?! Hysterical !:)
Jami Christine says
I cried a lil it's so god damn cute. And the kittens face after.. I'm dying.
Deedee Deee says
+Maria Holman
Joseph Newton says
The force is strong with this one!
Brandi Young says
I wouldn't want to face that kitten!😨
Kathy Miller says
Holy NASA cats have something to Holy Mark16:15 and the donkey spoke tongue was unleashed! Holy Psalm91:)
Evin Jones says