About Paul Spoerry
I’m a groovy cat who’s into technology, Eastern Thought, and house music. I’m a proud and dedicated father to the coolest little guy on the planet (seriously, I'm NOT biased). I’m fascinated by ninjas, the Internet, and anybody who can balance objects on their nose for long periods of time.
I have a utility belt full of programming languages and a database of all my knowledge on databases... I practice code fu. Oh, I've also done actual Kung Fu, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
I run. I meditate. I dance. I blog at PaulSpoerry.com, tweet @PaulSpoerry, and I'm here on Google+.
I'm currently work for IBM developing web enabled insurance applications for IBM and support and develop a non-profit called The LittleBigFund.
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Michael Woerl says
you forgot make the Middle East an absolute hellhole … çhęçk!
FatemeH Pajoohesh says
Tim Counts says
+Michael Woerl Getting us out of the messes the last six presidents got us into and refusing to fight the House of Saud battles anymore is not making a "hellhole" of the middle east. They are doing that all by themselves.
Why do you think Obama has worked so hard to get us energy independent. You think an oil president would have tried to do that? We should have listened to Carter, he was right from the get go.
Michael Woerl says
Let's see … lying about poison gas attacks in Syria, claiming it was Assad when it was his own "moderate rebels," who turned out to be ISIS, installing a new and extremely questionable regime in Ukraine, continually provoking Russia, mess in Egypt, mess in Libya … mess in Afghanistan, Russia is bad because they're "mean to gays," yet, the Saudis, who routinely behead gays "caught in the act," are our pals. And the Trans-Pacific deal … sellout to corporate interests. Yes, WWIII will sure be better than the messes of the last 6 Presidents! Just business as usual … hypocrisy and death in the name of "US interests."
John Dempsey says
Dude you're way over the line with whack job bull shit fyi
Janette Miller says
John Dempsey is a TROLL.
Rita Privette says
Energy independent? LOL He's done nothing to make us independent on oil. Show some facts, last time I checked I was still using gas to fill my car and heat my home.
Brad Acker says
+Rita Privette, isn’t it much easier for you to buy an electric car and install solar panels on your roof today than before Obama came to office? It’s hard to deny that Obama has made major steps in the right directions.
Rita Privette says
Instead of solar panels everywhere I still see empty houses! Electric cars? LOL
OBAHMA has too many controversial issues he wants implemented!
I AM “A Concerned Citizen” Of USA says
Sorry +Brad Acker but the only thing Barack did was give his bundlers millions of dollars of pay back for the failed or bankrupt green energy businesses. You can thank the private sector for the current increase in solar. You must have missed the news story about people turning in their electric cars for suv's. Besides the military, everything the government touches turns to crap
Jim Terry says
Don't forget the "Screw the USA" box.
Alias Account says
Judging by the penmanship, this was Obama's third grade school project.
Tim Counts says
+Rita Privette Fuel and fuel oil products are the number one export in America. Have been for almost four years. We are producing so much oil we cannot refine it all and congress is talking about lifting the oil export ban.
Obama gave out more drilling permits then the last three presidents combined. He gave the oil companies that have had public drilling permits time limits, use the permits or lose them.
Half (?) of the coal burning electrical plants have been converted to natural gas.
Texas has installed the equivalent of seven nuclear power plants in wind energy alone, at a fraction of the cost of one nuclear power plant.
2012 was the first year we produced more energy with renewable's than with nuclear.
PV Solar panel cost have come down by half in the last three years and have tripled their production capacity in the last four years.
Prices are expected to come down by half again in the next two years.
A little information goes a long ways.
Tommy McGuire says
where is TPP on the list ?
Gary Maccagnone says
Push the IRS on to my enemies.
You forgot that one.
Mike Elston says
+Rita Privette under Obama we have become the worlds largest oil producer and have lessened the amount that we import.
Mike Elston says
+Gary Maccagnone if you've got evidence feel free to provide it, until then keep ignoring the fact that both liberal and conservative groups have been being investigated for years, it happened under Bush and it's happened under Obama, so is it a command from on high, or a bunch of beauracrats (sp?) trying to get bonuses.
rusty nuts says
And then Dems chance losing it all by picking lying Hillary to run for them in next election!
Paul Spoerry says
I was hoping people would just take the win for marriage equality on this one, the post was a joke, and not turn into something so cynical. It was meant to be funny. I feel kinda bad for a lot of the commentators here for missing the best part of the day.
rusty nuts says
A little sensitive me thinks! Hillary fan?
John Dempsey says
I want to give a shout out to nut jobs. This is your America also! FREEDOM
Michael Woerl says
Name Password says
Freedom to burn the Fag Flag.
Ken W. Simpson says
Freedom to kick your ass