Vatican confirms Pope Francis met with Kim Davis during his U.S. trip
The Vatican confirmed on Wednesday that Pope Francis discreetly met with embattled Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis during his visit to the U.S. last week.
Despite being the gay-friendly Pope, and dodging the question when asked previously, the Vatican confirmed he did meet with her. It's said to have expressed support for Davis' decision to refuse same-sex marriage licenses despite the Supreme Court effectively legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.
Mauro Matoda says
He is not gay-friendly.
When away from microphone is the same as one before him.
Freund S. Kreis says
as the boss of many gay employees he should be wiser…
Irving Drommond says
The pope is walking a thin line…….This one knows how to keep friends and foes in check. Mark my words, his only agenda is to make the Vatican a concentration of power again.
Matthew Reynolds says
That's really disappointing to hear.
Paul Spoerry says
+Mauro Matoda I should have said gay-friendlier. I agree until the church places everyone on equal footing, IMHO, they're looking down on them. What I was referring to was: "Pope Francis has said in the past that he supports the church teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman, but in 2013 he said he wouldn't judge gay worshippers who seek God.
In 2014, the pope put together a team of Roman Catholic bishops, who released a 12-page report urging the church to welcome gay people, who "have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community" as well as divorced people and unmarried couples."
+Freund S. Kreis I actually LOL'd at your comment.
Mauro Matoda says
+Paul Spoerry Only if they leave sexual life outside and embrace castity. Nothing new under the sun. He talk way too much just to sell an old product.
Daniel Carelli (Panentheosis) says
Yea, I honestly see all this Pope's recent "allowances" and shit as being more a method by which they are desperately trying to retain membership among young people. Their religion is dying, especially in the US, and they know that they will never pull back from that brink without giving a bit on social issues. They did the same with women's rights and the rights of black people.
Paul Spoerry says
+Mauro Matoda Oh I didn't realize there were conditions?! I admit to not reading the 12 page report). So basically you can be gay as long as you don't be gay? That makes zero sense… which is about as much sense as most religious beliefs.
+Daniel Carelli I really hope it's not just marketing. It probably is… but I would love for it not to be. The ability and willingness to change is one of the reasons I hold the current Dalai Lama in such high regard. Even though there are cetainly whacky aspects to parts of Tibeten Buddhism when the leader makes statements like this I feel like they're a liiiiitle bit more genuine: "If science proves some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change." –
Daniel Carelli (Panentheosis) says
+Paul Spoerry
I didn't realize there were conditions?!
It's Christianity. Of course there are conditions. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves otherwise. 🙂
I admit to not reading the 12 page report).
Tsk tsk. Is that not how you enjoy spending your free time?
So basically you can be gay as long as you don't be gay? That makes zero sense…
Their stance is the same as that of the Mormons; the act of homosexual sex is the "sin," not homosexuality as a state of being. These people tend to view being gay as a choice, so to them it is only the choosing to have sex with men that violates their beliefs. Amusingly, this is actually the most true-to-scripture interpretation; the Bible makes no moral pronouncements against homosexual relationships or attractions, but merely lists homosexual sex as a violation of Hebrew ritual customs and cleanliness much like the eating of pork. (Wanting to eat pork is not against the rules. Actually doing it is.)
Ironically, this does make sense in a different context. Being gay is NOT about having sex with members of the same gender – it's about WANTING to. Just as someone does not become gay if they have gay sex, someone can be gay who does not have gay sex. Whether someone is gay or not has everything to do with who they are sexually attracted to and aroused by, and absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they choose to act on that attraction and/or arousal.
That doesn't change the fact that it is twisted as fuck to tell gay people that we should live our entire lives pretending to be straight, but it does (from another standpoint) fit into their whole self-sacrifice thing.
West Kagle says
Guess the Pope isn't infallible, as Church Dogma states, after all.
…..bring back that 'Nazi' Pope, I liked him better. O_o……..oops, did I say that out loud??????