"‘The devil is taking control!"
My favorite part is when he chokes up a little bit. South Carolina state Sen. Lee Bright (R) began debate about removing the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds on Monday with a passionate plea for lawmakers to focus on same-sex marriage instead. Because you know… those two things are related… er… no… they aren't.
src: http://goo.gl/MikkYV
Shannon Ware says
And the SWORD!
Lucas Ruse says
facepalm this is why SC can't have nice things
John Bump says
I don't think this counts as derailing, but conflating: he's trying to associate his values, with Traditional Values, with the Confederate flag, to make them all seem as if they're part of a rejection of progressive thought. It's a smart rhetorical device on his part to manipulate his listeners.
Le Mont Bennett (Mr Monte) says
+John Bump is was just going to say that too. This is just a political tactic to pander to right wing Christians in that state that are both against gay rights and eliminating the confederate flag, or to unify those two groups of people.
Lucas Ruse says
It's an embarrassment is what it is. I would love to see my state not make an ass of itself via it's elected officials just one damn time. Thank you Aziz Ansari and Stephen Colbert for attempting to salvage us. Leave it to the entertainers to not have their heads up their rears.
mothgirlwings says
+Le Mont Bennett These two issues are not even connected – what a freaking idiot this senator is – its supposed to be a debate about the confederate flag – stick to the subject or step down from the podium.
Le Mont Bennett (Mr Monte) says
+mothgirlwings you are right. These issues are not connected; however, his constituency cares about both. He has linked one issue with another to pander to right wing voters. I am just explaining that this is a political tactic that works. Politicians pander to people's "values".
Paul Spoerry says
I think that's the point they're both trying to make +mothgirlwings… it's not really relevant but a tactic to tie unrelated things together. Just like how Republican's always take the "family values" stance and then tie that to things like abortion. They're all about family values when it comes to not aborting a fetus… now helping take care of that fetus after it's born well that falls under the "get a job you damn freeloader, and don't complain that you can't live above the poverty line only making minimum wage either!" ;O)
John Bump says
And by talking about subjects that people care about, politicians attract them into believing the politician's statements about other, unrelated issues.
Le Mont Bennett (Mr Monte) says
The term for this tactic is called #Conflating .
mothgirlwings says
+Le Mont Bennett Hahahaha, so transparent and obvious and I guess it didn't work, as the vote was 37 to 3 to take that flag down – yaaaaaaaaaay! I hope he cries himself to sleep tonight.
mothgirlwings says
+Le Mont Bennett and that same group is the one that worships guns – because guns are so godly and all.
Le Mont Bennett (Mr Monte) says
+mothgirlwings no argument there! Bahahahahahah
"I hope he cries himself to sleep…" Bahahahahahahahahahah that comment just made my day! Bahahahahahahhaah
Phillip Bell says
This is the next politician that will be arrested for soliciting sex in a men's restroom.
aricars6263 says
+Phillip Bell After you sucked his dick.
Daughter Of God says
Hello Paul, please seek a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Paul Spoerry says
Sure +Daughter Of God… please just have him physically manifest in front of me so that I can know him. er… I don't mean that in the biblical sense of "knowing him" but like just have a conversation. Oh wait… that's not possible? I think I'll have a personal relationship with a unicorn instead then.
Cat Feesh says
Why have "religious" people spent billions fighting a few gay people from getting married when instead they could have used that money to feed starving children around the world?????????? So Sad
djbethell says
+Daughter Of God Please piss off!
LiberalAsLordChrist says
+Paul Spoerry In Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus Christ does not lie, in the fires of hell all Conservatives will forever fry. Don't laugh or cry, we all know why. To right wing Conservative hate just turn a blind eye and say to yourself "There but for the grace of God, Liberal Liberty and decency go I"
Paul Spoerry says
Yeah well he also insisted that his followers love him more than anyone else (including their families).
"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:37
LiberalAsLordChrist says
Just saying Christ cursed all Conservatives to hell in Matthew 25: 31-46 yet they claim to love him…. One day they will be making love to Satan, Lee Bright, Satan's Man Ho
General Zod says
+Paul Spoerry See listen you Paul. You just don't like us good ol boys because I like my woman with beer big tits and fries. A confederate flag and ass kicking skynard playing in the background. You are not a real American buddy. I am in tears because the gay boys want to play make up day dressing up like ferry singing like village people tit fucktards. You probably wake up for breakfast with a gay man stuffing your butthole with his meat taco looking like tom selleck. That is not what us christians believe because we are American. We fight for what's right. Two men are not right. I am asking you turn from your wicked ways and pick up the rebel flag brother. Don't be a dumb yank. You should love chicks not dicks.
jonatan drake says
yes sir general is right -.-t men are stupid to be gay and lesbian