TensorFlow is an Open Source Software Library for Machine Intelligence. Google claims TensorFlow is faster, smarter, and more flexible than previous systems, so it can be adapted much more easily to new products and research. It’s a highly scalable machine learning system – it can run on a single smartphone or across thousands of computers in datacenters.
Google already uses TensorFlow for everything from speech recognition in the Google app, to Smart Reply in Inbox, to search in Google Photos. By open sourcing it Google is hoping that everyone from academic researchers, to engineers, to hobbyists will get involved…. Terminator style future be damned.
src: http://www.tensorflow.org/
src: https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2015/11/tensorflow-smarter-machine-learning-for.html
src: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/11/09/google-offers-free-software-in-bid-to-gain-an-edge-in-machine-learning/?smid=tw-nytimestech&smtyp=cur&_r=2
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