Texas Rejects Letting Academics Vet Public School Textbooks – ABC News
Texas Board of Education has always been sort of a joke. There was the time when it was led by Creationist Don McLeroy, who did all he could to dismantle the teaching of proper science in the classroom. There was the time after he left when the Board approved textbooks suggesting Moses influenced the writing of the Constitution. There was the time the Board was led by evolution-doubter Barbara Cargill. And we’re currently at a time when the Board is led by Liberty University graduate Donna Bahorich, who thinks so highly of public schools that she home-schooled her own kids before enrolling them in a private school.
But now…. The Board just rejected a proposal that would allow experts to fact-check textbooks before they’re approved for use in the state’s public schools. Rather than allowing academics to intervene, the board voted unanimously to tweak its current system, mandating that review panels be made up of "at least a majority" of people with "sufficient content expertise and experience" as determined by the Texas education commissioner.
HaZ NecaZ says
salut Paul fac parte din comunitatea ta facebook si in ultimul timp am vazut multe postari porno ,ce-ia ce nu cred ca isi are rostul in comunitatea ta ,eu sunt moderator si la alte comunitati tot mari de 100000 mebri ,poti verifica profilul meu ,si daca iti place ceia ce vezi in profilul meu ,astept invitatia de la tine pentru o mai buna moderare in comunitatea ta facebook ,o seara buna
West Kagle says
That's because we wouldn't want to disrupt the revisionist brainwashing narrative that the progressives in charge of the education system have been crafting for decades now………would we? ¬_¬
Paul Spoerry says
You mean the fact based one? Or the one where they try to sneak in creationist stuf… er… yeah that's the conservavies that don't like them there facts being in their learning books.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
I'm really more thinking about the history books (being a lover of historical tomes), rather than the science ones. A book that talks about the creation of the universe in 6 days is called a Bible, and one that discusses the fact that the universe began some 13.8 Billion years ago is a science text book.
……at least as far as I'm concerned. 🙂
Paul Spoerry says
Right but these conservative wackos tried to put the bible parts in the science parts +West Kagle. ;O)
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
Yeah, that's what I'm on about. Keep the Bible out of my science textbook.
Ron Clayton says
Keep the Bible out of public education totally unless it is a religion class that fairly teaches about all religions. I know a Christian theological ethics professor who taught separation of church and state in his ethics courses.