On Friday, Anonymous announced it had released Trump’s personal information online — including such details as his cell phone number and Social Security number. Backlash from the Trump front promptly followed, as well as an announcement from the Secret Service and FBI that an investigation had begun.
However, the information had not been hacked or leaked. In fact, everything Anonymous posted had been online — and available for anyone to see — for years.
"Indeed, as Trump indiscriminately aims his hatred of the press, protesters, activists, and anyone who disagrees with his twisted vision for the future, Anonymous might have proven a crucial point.
“Thank you Trump and Trump campaign. Thank you police, FBI, and the Secret Service for being a part of our little experiment on how we should expect the so-called New America will be,” the narrator stated."
* http://time.com/4264029/donald-trump-anonymous-hacker-social-security-number/
* http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/secret-service-trump-anonymous-hack-220963
* http://anonhq.com/anonymous-just-fooled-donald-trump-secret-service-fbi/
Romola Giuntini says
Non mi inyeressa
Romola Giuntini says
TheVocalMale says
All I've seen is hatred, violence and physical assault from the left… and then they accuse Donald of being a Nazi, when they riot, causing criminal damage in the process and threatening his family.
I'd suggest they're the one's who are the Nazi's in the equation – professionally funded by the Nazi collaborator himself, (George Soros).
This isn't the allowance of freedom of speech – rather, totalitarian extremism and terrorism.
larry mintz says
Hell yah
Reinaldo Rivera says
If you want to see hatred, violence, liars and fiscal assault, see Hillary Clinton resume.
Alex Shull says
+TheVocalMale here you go again parroting a bunch of unsubstantiated BS. There are two widely available, indisputable videos of Trump supporters attacking protesters without provocation, yet you carry the line that the violence comes from the protesters. Anyone with a working brain can see what's actually happening.
TheVocalMale says
+Alex Shull Just wait there sunshine…I can back up what I have to say.
Alex Shull says
+TheVocalMale when you post things from infowars you are just advertising to everyone how completely crazy you are. Conspiracy theories are a refuge for people who can't understand this complicated world.
David Van Dalinda says
+Alex Shull your delusional show me one video of trump supporters causing mayhem at a hillary/Sanders event. You can't how about this don't like trump show it on election day. That is what free elections are all about right. Just because a candidate you don't want could or does get elected does not give you the right to intimidate others. These protesters and I use that term loosely are nothing more than bullies. They are creating an environment that they themselves are trying to protest. It's fucking ludicrous if you can't see that then your stupid or so biased against trump it has blinded you.
Reinaldo Rivera says
That's really happened with Hillary Clinton, see Libya embassy atrocities, see ISIL destruction " trained by Mrs. Clinton ".
When Im paid to mind Trumps business, I'll give a shit
Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes (Chuckster) says
I love Trump supporters, he does too, he said so when he said he loves poorly educated people. It simply makes for great SNL shows and easy votes for Trump. Think about it, stupid is as stupid does after all.
TheVocalMale says
+Alex Shull That's your opinion. You asked for evidence and you'll also find links to other sources within the articles – there's even video footage.
I'd call you the 'crazy one' for protecting a corner in the face of corroborated information.
You asked and you got… Now go and play with your train set.
many celebs..have marriage clause..say nothing or get nothing..his ex on big brother let something slip..sexual preference
Andrea Grotta says
+TheVocalMale Exactly. They ("protesters") are the Nazi's because they are acting exactly like Hitler's SS, Not Trump and his supporters. They are unbelievable Hypocrite terrorists.
as a truth is out there sometimes for years..then will always remain a truth if text archived..trump owes me for apprentice idea..branson owes me for virgin idea and jk owes me for harry potter idea but none acknowledge this or contest my claim
Andrea Grotta says
+TheVocalMale Oh, don't forget about the woman "protester" who was recently arrested for screaming in a police service horse's face at one of Trump's rallys, slapping the horse's face, and then ran to hide in the crowd. Thank God someone filmed her… Even PETA called her out on her wickedness, but I guess it's Trump's fault and he should have been arrested for the assault (huge sarcasm)…
Andrea Grotta says
+TheVocalMale oh And also, per Obama's 2012 law against protesting when Secret Service Agents are around, protesters can be prosecuted and imprisoned up to 10 Years. Trump is surrounded by Secret Service Agents… So, if Trump were so "hateful" he would be sending people to prison… He is not ignorant of the law.
Paul Spoerry says
I cannot believe infowars was cited as a source five times. HAHAHAHAHAHA
i give up on computers phones but love texting as am a could be artist poet..once before i had internet bill for 1700£ for 10 days online..culprit an in house set up by cable cable phone-blue yonder and free serve which became cable freeserve blue yonder..freeserve posted softporn to terrestial tv before being banned by the itc now "cable" become the internet television company..online before i talk with many endemol who create big brother.. deal or no deal..clintons used use same chatroom as did obahma and trump family in the uk i meet maybe 15 bands in rehearsal stage who went on to no1s maybe 10 people in training stage who win world gold and 1/2 a doz billionaires who went eureka..before i was wildrover..tomorrow and horseinsky yahoo who trump advertised perhaps still have archive records..the internet police and provider gave me the first online polygraph test perhaps around 07 and are never far away..but truth is something that is not a lie and this is text that will remain as long as text exists
Paul Spoerry says
+Andrea Grotta That's not even remotely factual. Contrary to whatever the hell it is you believe, H.R. 347 doesn't create any new crimes or make it illegal to protest if the Secret Service is "around". An existing law (from 1971, and amended a couple of times since) was slightly modified to include a short trespass law that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures.
TheVocalMale says
+Paul Spoerry They use other sources, as well as being a source themselves, but you wouldn't even check I strongly suspect.
Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes (Chuckster) says
Its Infowars, why would anyone? LOL A hack of a site posts conspiracy things only fools believe and you want us to believe them or at l;east the source? That's like asking me to believe McDonald's burger are good because the cows the meat come from are supposed to be healthy.
TheVocalMale says
+Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes There's no conspiracy or lies in the information offered. It even has video evidence to support. Keep hiding from information, I'm not that concerned. Ciao!
Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes (Chuckster) says
Yea, videos like the one Fiorina kept talking about? LOL. Nice try, as the song says "don't stop believing". It makes for great comedy.
Paul Spoerry says
No you're right… I won't even check. I see inforwars and immediately gloss over. Alex Jones is a hack conspiracy theorist not even worth my time.
TheVocalMale says
+Paul Spoerry Well, when evidence is put forward and you won't even take a look, why do you offer up links and expect others should do so.
I'll leave you with that thought.
Paul Spoerry says
Because mine is sourced and cited from (multiple) legitimate news organizations.
Alex Jones (who runs that site) is a whackadoo conspiracy theorist. Putting my faith in him would be like legitimizing the guy from Ancient Aliens on the History channel, or putting stock in Ben Carson's theories that the pyramids were grain silos (never mind that we have Egyptian texts describing exactly what they were). It's not even worth my time to consider anything so disreputable.
I'll leave you with that thought.
TheVocalMale says
+Paul Spoerry I've offered information and video footage to back up what I covered initially. If that's not your watering hole, that's up to you.
The information is in keeping with the original thread and 'not' going off topic.
Paul Spoerry says
You offered links to conspiracy theorist/bogus news site. I only said those aren't worth my time; I never said anything about you being off-topic.
West Kagle says
Um…..who wouldn't freak out if their SS# was posted online?
Paul Spoerry says
The thing is… it was ALREADY online. They Trolled him to make a point. They didn't expose any information that wasn't already publicly available +West Kagle
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
Why is his SS# public information? Why would anyone's be public information?
Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes (Chuckster) says
Because someone was dumb enough to allow it to happen? Either the owner of the SS or a company that was hacked? Your question makes the assumption that SS numbers are never used yet every job requires it to be able to employ you.
West Kagle says
+Jedi Master Chuckster Cortes
….and I understand all that. Still SS# are not meant for public record.
Paul Spoerry says
I don't know why it was out there. Like Jedi Master said… every place uses your SSN. And I didn't intend to imply it was "public record" as in you could look it up on a government site. I meant that it was just already "in the wild" and they just put it together with other publicly available info.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
Yeah I know. I've always been puzzled by the fact that we use a number that is so important, so freely. Can't we all be assigned a number that can be used in such cases that require another to verify our identity. Seems that having the number that can be use to create credit card accounts, bank accounts, gain access to the most sensitive information about us, and all but allow someone else to usurp our very identity, on every application we fill out, is the apex of bad ideas.
Paul Spoerry says
We'd just be swapping it for another form of I though +West Kagle. What we need is organizations taking security much more seriously. I just had to replace my bank card… again… this morning. Why? Because despite having a chip in it (which would help mitigate things like this) not all stores have it in place. Until we make them financially feel the pain of not protecting our data nothing will change.
West Kagle says
+Paul Spoerry
Just have the SS# be tied to all the important sensitive stuff, and the other number be tied to only the bare minimum information to serve the purpose these forms say they need the SS# for, basic Id.
If the providers of the forms say that isn't enough, than they are full of shite and want to probe you for info that by law they are not allowed to use to influence the out come of the application or form.
But you are also right in the fact that organizations aren't concerned enough with securing the information of their clients.