FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe
The State Department is reviewing the files sent to or from Clinton for release to a conservative group.
Latest batch doesn't appear to have come from Russia. ;O)
FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe
The State Department is reviewing the files sent to or from Clinton for release to a conservative group.
Latest batch doesn't appear to have come from Russia. ;O)
I’m a groovy cat who’s into technology, Eastern Thought, and house music. I’m a proud and dedicated father to the coolest little guy on the planet (seriously, I'm NOT biased). I’m fascinated by ninjas, the Internet, and anybody who can balance objects on their nose for long periods of time.
I have a utility belt full of programming languages and a database of all my knowledge on databases... I practice code fu. Oh, I've also done actual Kung Fu, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
I run. I meditate. I dance. I blog at PaulSpoerry.com, tweet @PaulSpoerry, and I'm here on Google+.
I'm currently work for IBM developing web enabled insurance applications for IBM and support and develop a non-profit called The LittleBigFund.
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Sarah Rios says
Why are we still interested in emails?
Paul Spoerry says
I dunno. I mean there's two candidates and we all know it… ok there's one candidate and one reality tv star who I'm convinced is trolling everyone.
Jeffrey Malatesta says
Sarah – the issue with the emails is that Hillary took emails which should be officialy documented record of office and hid them from records of office and potential public access. In the process of violating that rule, she also exposed these documents to 3rd parties, some documents were classified. You or I would be fired, at the very least, for classified information disclosure. Personally, as Secretary of State, I do not think that should be enough to stop her candidacy. However, this new batch, if she failed to disclose it to the FBI, intentionally or recklessly, should IMO result in obstruction of justice charges.
Paul Spoerry says
Maybe. Was she personally responsible for going through all of them? I doubt it. It all feels a little witch hunty to me. As an IT guy when I first heard private server I cringed. It's never a good idea (yes I've run one and out of my house) and I wouldn't recommend it. But FOI requests by conservative legal group Judicial Watch have shown she was requesting secure devices / exceptions (like those her predecessor had).
"We began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure 'BlackBerry-like' communications," wrote Donald R. Reid, the department's assistant director for security infrastructure. "The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive."
Reid wrote that each time they asked the NSA what solution they had worked up to provide a mobile device to Obama, "we were politely told to shut up and color."
I also find it funny that the is obviously primarily GOP driven… and I've not looked into this but would find it hard to believe that as SoS she wouldn't have had email communication with a Republican (or hell a freaking Democrat). So how is it that everybody is now surprised? Did they not notice that the email address didn't have a .gov ending? Were they all so technologically inept that they didn't know the difference? Did they not care and simply wanted to get their job done?
The rub of course is that given she did request one… would imply she knew she wasn't using one. I guess I just see two sides on this one. I mean if my employer wants me to change a tire but won't give me the tools….
src: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/emails-show-nsa-rejected-hillary-clinton-request-for-secure-smartphone/
Jeffrey Malatesta says
but what's the deal with these new 14,900 emails that were not disclosed earlier? Did HC fail to disclose them? Or did the FBI have them already and just realize it recently? That is a huge question, given that the criminal investigation has ended without charges… if she failed to disclose a full third of the responsive emails, that is a huge problem.
Sarah Rios says
It is very witch-hunty. I'm going to guess a lot of these additional emails were personal or unimportant in some way and deleted for that reason. The fact that people keep deliberately mentioning these emails (literally every day in 2016: http://goo.gl/h35O5N) smells exactly like "Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi!" part 2. It's beyond ridiculous. They are throwing assloads of shit at her until something sticks, even if it's a tiny dingleberry, at which point they can declare they were "right all along" about "everything." They HATE Hillary. They've hated her since she was FLOTUS (http://goo.gl/EMoGDC).
Jeffrey Malatesta says
Benghazi is ridiculous. HC has issues with the emails and most importantly, in my opinion, the receipt of foreign and corporate money through the Clinton Foundation… but yeah, if you're going to attack a candidate, make it a real reason…
Paul Spoerry says
The FBI had them but just turn them over to State.
"The 14,900 messages are on one disk in a set of eight that the FBI turned over to the State Department last month, after the law enforcement agency completed a yearlong probe into Mrs. Clinton’s emails."
As for the Clinton Foundation I just saw this earlier: Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/08/23/experts-new-clinton-state-dept-emails-show-donor-access-not-favors/89118156/). Now if it comes to light they illegally funneled money into the political process that's obviously wrong. But a foundation receiving funds doesn't necessarily imply anything shady went down. Similarly, just because Trump has a building in Saudi Arabia doesn't necessarily mean he's done anything wrong or that there's a conflict of interest (he'll have to turn over his business to someone else while President anyway).