Sponsored Data Is The Newest, Biggest Threat to Net Neutrality
Yesterday, Verizon announced its new sponsored data program. Those words are boring, but they’re just the latest in a growing trend from carriers and ISPs to undermine the core tenets of net neutrality. Here’s what it means and how it affects you.
They just call it "Sponsored Data". Oh… renaming it changes everything… except that it's still creating privileged lanes of data. This is the opposite of the primary tenets of Net Neutrality is that everything on the internet should be treated equally.
Net neutrality doesn’t just mean that you never have to pay for a fast lane. It means that the services you use don’t have to pay extra to reach you. Over the long term, this is beneficial to everyone, and encourages competition.
Looks like it's time for everyone to start non-stop complaining to the FCC.
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