It’s easy to forget what Intelligent Design was and why Creationists were so enamored by it.
"In 1996, the Intelligent Design advocate Michael Behe published a book titled “Darwin's Black Box”, and in which, he claimed that many biological systems, such as the human eye, are irreducibly Complex and therefore must’ve been designed by a god. (of course it was a very specific god).
Well, to quote Behe, the man who coined the term in the first place, "irreducible complexity is just a fancy phrase I use to mean a single system which is composed of several interacting parts, and where the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to cease functioning."
Behe, along with all of the proponents of the Argument from Irreducible Complexity, then go on to explain that certain biological systems, such as the human eye, are also Irreducibly Complex, and that due to their irreducible complexity they could not have evolved via small modification through natural selection…"
The entire argument was based on ignorance. We don’t understand everything, so we must know nothing. It was never sound science and there’s a reason no real experts take it seriously.
Kevin Galipeau says
I saw Behe speak at the University of Connecticut around 2005. Crowd was half science/engineering students and half nutjobs.
Absolute nonsense. He was not well received.