Zk-Starks? New Take on Zcash Tech Could Power Truly Private Blockchains – CoinDesk
While in its earliest stages of development, a new form of cryptography is winning developers for its potential to power truly private blockchains.
I really think Monero, DASH, and ZCash are some really cool cryptocurrencies to watch because security is such a focus at the core of their tech. The downside to ZCash is that you have to implicitly trust that they destroyed the 'original' master key – if they did you're cool – if not… well you could be fucked if it got into the wild. Monero, in addition to security, is laser-focused on privacy. Additionally, only Monero is fully decentralized.
BUT… if ZK-starks proves to work out it's possible any cryptocurrency could utilize it without the need for the "trusted setup" (and it's implied issues like ZCash). Ethereum has this type of functionality on its roadmap. Deploying trusted setup for something as large as that network could be very difficult but a trustless one like ZK-starks couldn't be as big a deal. It'll be something to keep an eye on. (FWIW I hold some of all of the above in addition to other coins… this isn't saying one is better than the other, only that ZK-starks will be cool tech to keep an eye on.)
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