I’m sort of all over the web… but here are a few places where you can find me (in no particular order and not guaranteed to always be up to date).
Find Paul Spoerry on these web properties:
- About.me
- Google+
- Consulting.PaulSpoerry.com
- +Paul Spoerry
- My DonorsChoose Giving Page
- LittleBigFund on Google+
- LittleBigSquad non-profit activists
- LittleBigFund – a non-profit I helped develop
- BrandYourself
- del.icio.us
- Feedburner
- MySpace
- Blogcatalog
- Vizify
- ResumUP
- TrustCloud
- Klout
- Enhanc3.com
- Blogger
- GoodReads
- Flickr
- LastFM
- Kred