Thousands of women are throwing a guy a dance party after he was body shamed
After a man was body shamed and ridiculed on 4chan for dancing at a concert, a group of women are organizing a dance party for him.
So body shaming is typically associated with women, but it happens to dudes as well. In February, a user on 4chan posted about their encounter with a man at a concert, who was ridiculed for dancing and quickly stopped when he noticed people were laughing at him. The user posted before and after photos of the man, saying "spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week. He stopped when he saw us laughing.”
The Free Thought Project writer Cassandra Fairbanks decided to launch a personal campaign to find the dancing man and arrange "something special" for him. In a mere 24 hours, thousands of female Twitter users joined Fairbanks in her search, using the hashtag . AND THEY TRACKED HIM DOWN!
So now he's getting his own dance party… and apparently Pharrell Williams is on board.
Because he can dance if he wants to. He can leave 4chan behind.