What makes employees unhappy… topping the complaints list are stress, benefits, and salary. Do you have the same complaints, or are other things making you an unhappy employee? If you are a manager, do you know what makes YOUR employees unhappy?
Google Plus Ads Are Coming
Google has acknowledged in a public post that Google+ Paid Page Promotion (ads) are active and available to selected US Google+ brand pages in the US.
Google Authenticator Makes 2-step Verification Even Easier
Google Authenticator was updated today with the ability to turn on two-step authentication without having to scan a QR code or re-enter your password on the device. You have no more excuses for not using 2-step verification. [Read more…]
Automatically Backup My Documents Folder To Google Drive
Google Drive can be sync’d automatically with your My Documents. On Microsoft Windows systems My Documents (or just Documents on Vista/7/8) is the name of a special folder on the computer’s hard drive that the system commonly uses to store a user’s documents, music, pictures, downloads, and other files. If you want to automatically sync your My Documents to Google Drive it’s simple to do. [Read more…]
Google Drive, SkyDrive, DropBox, etc Price Comparison (Charts)
Google Drive, SkyDrive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box, etc. The consumer online storage space is roaring ahead, which is of course good for consumers, but which one is the best? [Read more…]