Listen to Ron Paul‘s remarks. Get ready for the economic earth quake of a life time. Ron Paul comments on World Bank and Poverty.
“Forgive and Forget” Won’t Fix Third World Debt
Listen to Ron Paul‘s remarks. Get ready for the economic earth quake of a life time. Ron Paul comments on World Bank and Poverty.
“Forgive and Forget” Won’t Fix Third World Debt
Ron Paul appears on CNN’s American Morning and points out the lies we are being told about economics and foreign policy.
Seems that politics is in full swing. Having a hard time deciding WHO you should vote for? Who believes what you believe? Ultimately, this will only be valuable for the primaries, once the parties pick the guy they want to run for pres, it won’t be up to you anymore. That said, you can vote in the primaries to help your party (if you live in a state where you are required to register with a particular party) or your favorite candidate get elected.
Two new sites have popped up to help with just that. Move beyond the sound bites and what the major news outlets want you to hear. Check out how the candidates feel on the issues and how they align with your views on a range of subjects.Â
Visitors to the nonpartisan Glassbooth website are asked a series of questions on topics ranging from immigration to war and health care. The site then spits out the candidate they should vote for in the upcoming presidential election. Glassbooth is aimed at the 50 million-plus 18- to 31-year-old voters, a group that — contrary to popular belief — showed an increase in voting in the past three presidential elections. Glassbooth has a simple interface, you assign points and weight in on issues most important to you and you’re returned a list of candidates that match your views based on a percentage of similarity.
The next site is Electoral Compass. This site asks a series of questions which you comment on as completely agree, tend to agree, neutral, tend to disagree, completely disagree, or no opinion. Based on your responses you’ll be shown a chart with the proximity the candidates to your views. You can then analyse your position and view the positions of the candidates.
Need help figuring out which candidate matches up with your ideals? Here’s another site that is supposed to do just that. This is very similar to the USA Today Match-o-Matic, but much less flashy.
This is how it works: The scores for each candidate are tabulated with very simple arithmetic. The stance you entered for each issue is compared against the stance of the candidate. If you and the candidate do not agree (IE: you marked support, the candidate opposes) points are subtracted. If you and the candidate agree, points are added. The number of points added or subtracted is determined by the weight you assigned. “Minimal” is worth one point, “important” two, and “key” is worth five points. If you OR the candidate list an issue as unknown/other, no points are added or subtracted. This is very noteworthy as many candidates have issues listed as unknown/other. This will have the effect of pushing some candidates (some more than others) towards the middle of the list. It also often results in candidates being ranked higher than others that have less disagreements. Look at the list carefully and follow up by investigating the candidates further.
So what were my results? A bit different than the Match-o-Matic which for me had Ron Paul at #1, then Mike Gravel, then Dennis Kucinich. This one has me down as aligning with Kucinich, then Gravel, Richardson… with good ole Ron Paul pretty far down the list.
FOX News shows an amazing clip of Ron Paul at the Iowa debate on Aug 5. Then Julie Banderas interviews Ron Paul in what may be one of the most civilized and fair interviews Ron Paul has had yet. Most major network interviews lately have ended with the “anchor” telling Paul he has no chance of winning, which seems very biased from a “news” perspective but what the hell do I know!? I’m really suprised, and happy, that a non-biased interview came from Fox news… which in my opinion does less “news” and more “commentary” than all the major networks combined.
Dr. Paul is the most articulate and truthful man in politics today (look up his voting record). It is not hard to look like you believe in what you are saying when you actually belive in what you are saying, and it comes across when he speaks.