he's going to tackle Climate Change too
Happy #FourthOfJuly ya'll…. Musk says his plans include:
* Build factories "an order of magnitude" bigger than the plants that currently churn out panels
* Make #solar panels that are more efficient, and make them at a low cost in huge factories in order to reduce the overall cost of solar electricity.
* Future factories would produce 10 gigawatts worth of panels
* Oh he's going to make them nice looking too!
src: http://mashable.com/2014/06/17/elon-musk-solarcity-batteries/
src: http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-just-made-the-same-huge-bet-on-solarcity-that-hes-making-with-tesla-2014-6
src: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2014/06/17/elon-musks-bold-solarcity-buy-powers-sunny-day-for-solar-panel-stocks/
src: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/elon-musk-takes-on-carbon-with-solar-battery-bets/2014/06/17/2b3034e8-f656-11e3-afdf-f7ffea8c744a_story.html
Happy #FourthOfJuly ya'll…. Musk says his plans include:
* Build factories "an order of magnitude" bigger than the plants that currently churn out panels
* Make #solar panels that are more efficient, and make them at a low cost in huge factories in order to reduce the overall cost of solar electricity.
* Future factories would produce 10 gigawatts worth of panels
* Oh he's going to make them nice looking too!
src: http://mashable.com/2014/06/17/elon-musk-solarcity-batteries/
src: http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-just-made-the-same-huge-bet-on-solarcity-that-hes-making-with-tesla-2014-6
src: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2014/06/17/elon-musks-bold-solarcity-buy-powers-sunny-day-for-solar-panel-stocks/
src: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/elon-musk-takes-on-carbon-with-solar-battery-bets/2014/06/17/2b3034e8-f656-11e3-afdf-f7ffea8c744a_story.html