Spiritual safety tips for kids! Tell a parent of pastor right away, avoid talking to them, and note that very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches.
I Just Wanna Be a Sheep
I cannot stop laughing over this "Music filled with God's Joy & Truth" by ButterflySong.com. baa baa baa baa…
Be sure to check out: http://objectiveministries.org/kidz/
"Billions of Dead Things" SING-ALONG
The smash hit by Buddy Davis that clearly explains how the biblical flood HAD to be real because look at all the dead things buried by dead things under the water. It's EVIDENCE!
Google Feud
So… take Google autocomplete and put it in the format of Family Feud and you have Google Feud. First you pick one of four categories: Culture, People, Names, Questions. Next, you try to guess what the top ten answers would be if using Google's autocomplete.
Guess what? Our galaxy is shaped like corrugated cardboard and it's 50-percent larger than previously thought
Scientists reveal the hidden structure and size of our galaxy
Our galaxy is not what we thought it was. According the paper Rings and Radial Waves in the Disk of the Milky Way—published in the Astrophysical Journal—we should call it the Corrugated Cardboard Galaxy, as shown in the diagram above. Even more surprising: It’s 50-percent larger than previously thought.
"According to Heidi Jo Newberg—professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and lead author for this paper—"in essence, what we found is that the disk of the Milky Way isn't just a disk of stars in a flat plane—it's corrugated. As it radiates outward from the sun, we see at least four ripples in the disk of the Milky Way. While we can only look at part of the galaxy with this data, we assume that this pattern is going to be found throughout the disk.""